Saturday, July 2, 2011

30 for 30: Outfit #7

This is the first official remix, guys! Same shirt, different outfit.

Last night was the most fun I've had in quite a while. All day yesterday, Nathan & I ran errands & did chores. I got to finish the night up by having dinner with 4 amazing friends & then playing card games & drinking wine. It was a night filled with lots of laughter, affection, and great memories.

I need your opinion on something. So, I wore some lipstick with this outfit. I'm hoping it makes me look older than normal (aka, actually my age), but I'm worried that it makes me look like a 16-year-old trying to look like a 22-year-old. Thoughts? Is lipstick a good choice for me? Maybe the curly locks and chubby cheeks scream "Shirley Temple" a bit too loudly to be remedied by lipstick...


jenny said...

LOVE THE LIPSTICK! you're a beauty, becca.

stephanie said...

Love the lipstick too. I think you rock it. I think you should try for a matte finish next time!

Becca said...

help me pick one out??

stephanie said...

Of course!