I can't even believe the Christmas season is upon us already. It really caught me off guard, as it does every year. We finally have our Christmas tree up, and our few simple decorations have made their way around the house. The cats have already entertained themselves with knocking off ornaments and pulling bows off of presents. Speaking of presents, I already have a few ready to go & wrapped up under the tree! I love gift-giving, especially when it means making things... :)
The decorations were all Nathan's doing. Crafty husband! |
Our modest East TN-raised tree. We like it. |
an ornament from Nathan's parents last year. |
No shame: I love my sparkly ornaments. |
Though this Christmas season brings about some strange changes and breaking of traditions, I am feeling optimistic about it. Nathan & I have a beautiful home & furry family to enjoy Christmas with. We'll get to see a pretty good share of our human families, too. And we'll be spending the first minutes of Christmas with our St Anne's parish family for midnight Eucharist, and then the daylight hours of Christmas with my Park Center family. All-in-all, I have pretty high hopes for this Christmas. The season is already off to a great start...
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