Sunday, August 5, 2012


Sometimes, when things aren't at their best, it's nice to remember all the great memories I've made over the past several years.

Little girls in Guatemala.
Mayan Ruins.
TVC Childcare. He was our favorite little dude.
Girls' nights- "She's the Man" & Smirnoff Ice.
 Dancing pointe & wearing tutus.
Orientation Leaders.
Occasional underage drinking (responsibly).
Honors Medieval World. 
Legal drinks in London.
"I love you, always forever..." 
Valentine's Day.
Best friend. 
Dance parties.
The beach.
Marrying my best friend.

Remembering all of the wonderful experiences I've had and incredible people who have been along for the ride helps me keep perspective. And I know there are so many great experiences & opportunities to come in the future...


amy said...

annnddddd....i just cried a little. love you. miss you so so much.

stephanie said...

Sweet sweet post. Sorry things are hard right now but clearly you are handling it beautifully. Can't wait to relax tonight :)