Sunday, April 1, 2012


Tonight, Nathan & I watched a film I've been longing to watch: Ingredients, an excellent documentary about the importance of the growing local food movement.

I must say, I am so glad we finally watched it. This film not only pointed out the incredible injustices--economic, environmental, medical, etc--of the current state of food in our nation, but it also showed the hope available in local farming & gardening. Watching this film didn't necessarily teach me anything new... I already knew how unhealthy and inefficient our food system is in this nation. What this film did do is give me a sense of empowerment regarding what I choose to consume. Ingredients reminded me that I have the right to eat well, and with that right comes the responsibility to support my local farmers.

I am so happy that we are supporting a local farm & getting incredibly fresh, organic, sustainable, delicious produce in return... It's really a great deal. And Nathan and I are already planning how we're going to cultivate and support ourselves with the garden we'll have in a month or so. I must say, working in a garden/farm to grow healthy & beautiful food is one of the most rewarding and powerful experiences. Working with Nashville Food Project has been such a blessing, and I'm really looking forward to getting my hands dirty in my own yard.

One other thing I loved about Ingredients is that it acknowledges the financial constraints that making eating locally & organically so incredibly difficult for many Americans. And because our nation, government, and society have not deemed local, sustainable agriculture as a right for all Americans, it has become an upper-class luxury in some regards. But this film directs us toward how to make fresh food possible for all. It must be something that our nation deems worthy of focus. To me, it is vital. I struggle with how to live this out in my own life, when bills seem never ending, and take-out sounds easier than cooking. Yet, I know that I need to try as hard as I can to remember how much I owe it to myself to eat well, straight from the ground.

Also, I ate an asparagus straight from the ground yesterday & it was literally the most delicious asparagus spear I have ever tasted. It was tender, as if I had just poached it. And the flavor was almost unbelievable... It had a nutty flavor I've never tasted in asparagus before. That experience in & of itself alone justifies eating fresh from the ground.

Anyways, you should watch Ingredients. I hope that my generation can help refocus the national attitude toward agriculture. Here's to trying.

Do I sound like a hippie? I know, I know.

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