Monday, December 5, 2011

Winter Soup; Cat in a Bag.

Well it doesn't seem like I've done a food post in a while, and I know all 3 of you readers have been on the edges of your seats waiting for me to blog. Sooooo.... *sigh of relief* here you go! 

We got a big, lovely butternut squash in our CSA last time (and this time. Yay!), and I knew immediately that I wanted to make soup with it. I looked at several recipes online, and then ended up just doing my own thing. It ended up being even more delicious than I could have ever imagined. The natural flavor of butternut squash is fabulous, and paired with fresh herbs & onions, it's the absolute perfect-tasting dish. Seriously. We also had a yummy side of steamed broccoli & asparagus with a parsley lemon butter sauce. Mmm.

Butternut Squash Soup
One beautiful, fresh butternut squash, peeled & cubed
Butter (3 or 4 tbsp, but really as much as you want)
1/2 yellow or white onion, chopped
1 can vegetable broth
Fresh rosemary & sage, chopped finely
A dash of milk or cream
Salt & pepper to taste

First, sautee the onion in the butter until translucent (but not brown). Add vegetable broth and bring to boil. Add butternut squash cubes & simmer until tender (you can add salt & pepper to taste here, if you'd like). Scoop out chunks with a slotted spoon & puree in a blender or food mill & until desirable consistency is reached (I like to leave a few chunks). Add fresh rosemary & sage to taste. Stir in a dash of milk to make it extra creamy. ENJOY!!! 

It's seriously the most delicious soup ever. Yum. 

Cubing the peeled squash. I actually used a potato peeler, which worked fine.

I love sauteed onions, don't you?


In the blender.

Our delicious dinner.

The finished soup. Yum.

The only part of this soup that was any trouble at all was having to use the blender. It had me seriously wishing I had a food mill. A friend of mine has one, and I am having serious kitchen-envy. I'd make soup every night if I had one of those things (so perhaps Nathan is glad that we don't have one...).

Food Mill. A thing of dreams.

After devouring our dinner, Fiero decided that he was not getting enough attention. Thus, he nestled inside of our bag, being really cute. Nathan decided he'd join in & be cute, too. This is the end result:

This picture explains why my life is awesome.

1 comment:

Amber said...

The soup sounds delicious! I don't know why I'm scared to try butternut squash soup...guess I shouldn't be :)