Wednesday, July 20, 2011

30 for 30: Outfit #19



Shirt- Urban Outfitters, Shoes- Target, Pants- Gap
This post comes from Nathan's hometown- Findlay, Ohio! We drove up yesterday (and by "we drove", I mean I drove one hour and then made Nathan drive the last 7 while I slept peacefully in the passenger seat), and have thoroughly enjoyed our day of lounging around his parents' house, catching up with the family & doing a whole lot of nothing. It's already been great, and we're only through one day!

While Nathan was taking my outfit photos in the backyard, I convinced him to take a picture with me! This was his initial reaction:

Nathan's "sassy face"

And then I convinced him to be normal:

Me & my sweet husband.

In other news, these jeans are a new pair (but don't worry, they're the exact same make & model as the ones I originally put in my 30 for 30 picks)... and they're a SIZE SMALLER!!!! I have no idea how, but I'm feelin' pretty good about this. Plus I got them for 50% off. Wham-Bam-thankyou-Ma'am.

Tomorrow's activities include a potential bike ride to the pool (Ohio is just as hot as Nashville, grr), more lying around, and dinner with Nathan's old friend Nate & his fiance Lindsey!

AND GUYS, we're going to IKEA on our way home! There's one in Cincinnati, and Nathan had the genius idea to stop by on our way back home. I don't know if he realizes what he's agreed to....

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Nice lipstick :) Oh, and your hair is looking SEXYYYYYY.