This weekend, I have been lying in my bed miserably sick. Oh the joys of having some sort of nasty virus. I'm probably going to be hitting up the clinic tomorrow if I'm still having the respiratory issues that are currently plaguing me.... fingers crossed that it's just a virus.
One of the most horrible ironies of being sick & having to skip work is that it makes one too tired & worn out to even accomplish anything, even homework. Today I tried to unload the dishwasher & got winded.... seriously. But, my remedy for this problem has been to entertain myself between 5-hour naps to watch a couple episodes of Parks & Recreation. I have officially watched the entire series. I'll admit, it's a pretty hilarious show. At first I thought it was a bit too much like The Office, but I honestly think it's a lot more dynamic than The Office. Amy Poehler's character is absolutely hilarious, and I kind of love her a lot (partly because she's a super feminist).
I've also been listening to the new Iron & Wine album, Kiss Each Other Clean, which is posted on Conan O'Brien's website for free streaming!!! It officially comes out on the 25th, and I'm SO excited. Iron & Wine is my absolute favorite "band" (though it's really one mastermind- Sam Beam), and part of me knew that Nathan & I were meant together when he claimed Iron & Wine as one of his favorites, too.
And of course, Nathan has been absolutely wonderful this whole time. He's come to my rescue every night after work & brought me medicine, popsicles, and has tolerated my patheticness. Today he came over and made me breakfast and didn't make fun of me when I fell asleep like an hour after waking up from a 13-hour night of sleep. Seriously, he is already the best husband I could image, and he isn't even my husband yet. But only 130 more days until he is.
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