This has been a big, exciting week!
A few noteworthy events:
I got a job as a server @ Taco Mamacita
I quit Borders
I unofficially adopted a kitten (he's waiting for me in Knoxville)
I got to see Beach House at Mercy Lounge
A few noteworthy events:
I got a job as a server @ Taco Mamacita
I quit Borders
I unofficially adopted a kitten (he's waiting for me in Knoxville)
I got to see Beach House at Mercy Lounge

I am overjoyed about my new kitten. His name is Fiero, and he's a beautiful black stray, with white paws and a white stripe down his face. My dear, dear friend Lisa is watching over him until I can come to Knoxville next weekend to pick him up. Her daughter, Ashley, is working for a wild animal rescue company, and they found this litter of strays. Lisa promised to hold onto the little boy kitten for me. She says he is super loving, friendly, cuddly, and sociable. She sent me a few pictures of him, and I can't stop looking at him. I cannot wait to go to Knoxville and pick up my new baby. =) And, I also can't wait to get to spend time with my darling Lisa.

Another reason to be excited about going home.... getting to see my two favorite people- Mom & Dad. I absolutely adore my parents. I am so grateful for the things they do for me, and I love spending time with them. This semester I haven't gotten to spend as much time with them as I would've liked, and I am beyond thrilled to go spend the weekend with them.

The occasion for my return to East TN is my friend Brandon's wedding! I love weddings and am very excited to see an old friend get married. =)
Needless to say, I really really really want next week to go by as quickly as possible. I've never been quite this excited to go home. I'm bringing my grandma home with me, too..... what a fun 2 hour car ride it's going to be! And Saturday is going to be girls' day: manicures with mom & grandma. I've never had a manicure, and I can't think of two women with whom I'd rather get one. I know manicures are super cliche girly, but I'm actually really excited.
I am having a happy week, and I am very thankful for that. I'm trying to do a lot of reflecting as the semester comes to a close. It has been a difficult semester for many reasons, but I have grown SO much. I think it will take more than one blog post to write about how I've grown.
I often have a hard time saying this to myself, but: I'm proud of myself.
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