Welp, tonight is our last night in Ohio. =(
It has seriously been an amazing trip. This is basically the perfect vacation. I've gotten to spend loads of time with my soon to be in-laws, and it's been an absolute blast. We had a full house all week- Mr. & Mrs. Dryden, Nathan, Isaac, & Jared (the three Dryden boys.... sister Sarah was with her boyfriend for Thanksgiving), Grandma & Poppy (Nathan's maternal grandparents), Amanda & Bill (Nathan's uncle & his wife), Ellery Grace and Emery Cate (their two adorable little girls, 6 & 2 years old), and two dogs. There was so much going on, constantly. We watched movies together about every night, and ate almost every moment of the day. And of course, drank lots of tea. That's one thing I love about visiting the Drydens– there's always tons of delicious tea!
Basically we did a lot of sitting around and talking, reading, watching movies, cuddling, giggling, sleeping, etc. I went to the local tea house, The Swan House, with the ladies of the family on Friday morning, which was of course a lovely time. Nathan & I got to catch up with his friend Jeremy & his wife Carrie at a local coffee shop. We got to observe Amanda making adorable blankets for the girls (I took mental notes). AND- we started our wedding registry at Kohl's!!!
I'm honestly really sad to be leaving Ohio tomorrow morning. It's been a really relaxing trip. I've loved not having any plans or responsibilities for the day. I think it's been super healthy for our relationship to just be with each other without any school or work pressures for this many days. We really never get these kinds of breaks. I have loved spending every moment with Nathan. It just makes me so excited about 6 months from now when we're married.
I seriously fall more in love with him every moment we spend together.