Today is my first day free from my sickness. I had some sort of yucky virus, which turned into a meningitis scare. Saturday morning, I went to an urgent-care clinic, and the doctor there said he was concerned and sent me to the hospital. He thought there was a chance that I could have meningitis because of a couple symptoms. The doctor at the hospital wasn't convinced enough to put me through a spinal tap (thank goodness) and sent me home to monitor my symptoms and get some rest. I slept for pretty much 2 days straight. Now, normally I LOVE the idea of a long nap, but this was definitely not enjoyable, in any way. At least my kittens kept me company. I think they knew I was lonely & miserable, cause they cuddled with my quite a bit.
Today I woke up free from a pounding headache and with an actual appetite, and the heavens rejoiced. I went to Home Depot with Nathan & then painted his new room! He has a wonderful new house, and I can't wait for him to be all moved in so we can have a house-warming party!
Afterwards, I went to the pool with Amy & Liz, which was a nice way to relax after sweating buckets while painting & moving in the heat.
Since I finally can stomach food, I decided to treat myself to something yummy for dinner..... sooooo, I made myself a veggie burger & got some mcdonalds fries, complete with a large diet coke. I figured I ought to treat myself.
Now I'm relaxing at home and watching TV (which I haven't been able to do for 2 weeks because we somehow lost our remote, hah).... for some odd reason, I'm watching The Bachelorette. This show seriously makes me doubt humanity, but it also makes me so grateful for my relationship with Nathan. Our actual, legitimate, committed, loving, honest, serious, wonderful relationship. I can't imagine not knowing the kind of love that Nathan & I have, and instead having this shallow, lustful, selfish attraction.
So, here I am. Getting ready to change the channel from what may legitimately be the most ridiculous, ludicrous show (yet, entertaining indeed), and thinking about how blessed I am.
To add to my infinite list of blessings, Nathan & I are meeting my parents at Tybee Island near Savannah on Sunday!!! I can't wait to have a nice, relaxing week at the beach with the love of my life & my wonderful parents. Our dog Tucker will even be there! I'm just imagining walks down the beach at night with Nathan, lounging by the ocean during the day, eating out with my parents, and touring Savannah! I'm excited for Nathan to spend more time with my parents, too. I think we'll all have a great time. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. =)