Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Happy Me Day

Tomorrow I get to have a Me day!!

I'm going to the doctor in the morning, which may not sound like a fun thing for most people, but I'm actually really looking forward to getting one step closer to figuring out my digestive issues. I was pretty sick the entire time I was in Ohio. It was no fun.

Afterwards, I get to redeem my birthday gift from my wonderful Nathan!----- a massage & pedicure! I've never had either, so I'm super excited about it. My feet have taken a serious beating from dance & from working at a restaurant. I can't wait to get some pampering. And a one-hour massage sounds absolutely heavenly. I'm so excited. =)

I don't have to work or go into my internship tomorrow, so I'm going to take the day for ME. Hopefully I can spend a good chunk of time cuddling with my kittens & reading Everything Is Illuminated, which I started last night.

I'm so excited about my Me day!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Growing Up

Today, I was a grown up. Here are some of the grown-up things I did today:

Took my wonderful kittens to the vet (where I dropped $80...)
Went to work for the morning (where I got to see the US score to win their game against Algeria!)
Took the recycling to the recycling center, and took out the trash
Did some business at the bank
Paid my rent (with my own hard-earned money)
Picked up some of Grandpop's belongings from St. Thomas Hospital
Took an awesome nap
Cleaned the apartment a little
Packed for Ohio
Played with my kittens

I love enjoying a nice, productive evening by myself. Oh, the joys (and responsibilities) of growing up.

I may not look like it, but I'm almost a grown up.

Monday, June 21, 2010

a Wonderful weekend

Well, things have been extremely busy lately. Thus, I haven't at all been keeping up with this blog.

I've started my internship with Urban EpiCenter, and I am already LOVING it. UEC is a non-profit organization based out of North Nashville (a primarily black neighborhood with an amazingly rich history, culture, and strong community, for those non-Nashvillians), focused on racial & economic justice. I've already been to several really important meetings: community organizing (led by the civil rights activist, Rev. James Lawson), a predatory lending, Metro council (to support metro bus and custodial staff being laid off), racial profiling, etc.

I'm really excited about all of the things I'm learning.

In other news, this weekend was WONDERFUL. My darling best friend, Stephanie Creasy, came to visit Nashville! We got to go see Toy Story 3 in 3D on opening night, and then spent all day together on Friday. Saturday we watched the Cameroon/Denmark World Cup game at Sams Sports Bar. It was more fun than I have had in a while. I love my best friend, and I was overjoyed the spend the weekend with her. I just wish she was still here.

And I will desperately miss her when she goes to Africa (yeah, she's that badass).

My other best friend, Amy, is currently busy leading the entire Summer Orientation program at Belmont (yes, she's pretty badass too).

And, last but not least, my other best friend Sarah is busy being social and traveling the South to visit family & friends (she's also pretty badass). And I definitely miss her.

I love my bestfriends. It's weird not living with them. But I definitely still love them, a LOT.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

too excited

Some really exciting things are happening.
I can't give any details just yet, as not everything is "official".... but I'm about to pee my pants out of excitement. I can't wait to be able to tell the whole world.

Right now I feel like there is a happy little creature dancing around in my insides. I guess that's what happens when you're so crazy in love that there is literally no way of accurately expressing it.

Nathan Dryden is undeniably the most perfect man for me. He is exactly what I need and want. He makes me a better version of myself; he brings me to life the way no one else ever has. How am I this blessed?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

back to blogging

I'm finally back to blogging!

Nathan and I just returned today from our trip to Ohio for his brother's high school graduation. We had a really great time, full of relaxing and spending time with his wonderful family. A few highlights of the trip:

  • going to Toledo and hanging out by Lake Erie
  • visiting the Toledo Zoo (the otters were adorable)
  • listening to a lot of Stevie Wonder, The National, Michael Jackson, and Elton John
  • surprise birthday gifts from the Drydens
  • going to the neighborhood pool
  • playing basketball with Nathan and his awesome little brother Isaac
  • throwing a 200-person party for Jared's graduation
  • staying up late chatting with Nathan's parents
  • watching Disney's Robin Hood
  • spending 8 hours in the car with Nathan each way

Jared's "shrine" of accomplishments

Jared with his cake, which was quickly eaten

Now that we're back in Nashville, it's time to settle into a normal routine..... except for today, of course, cause it's my 21st birthday! Tonight I'm going out to dinner at Margot Cafe & having a fancy drink with my meal. I'm so excited! I wish all of my friends were in town, though (such as Stephanie & Sarah!!!).

I'm happy to be back home with my darling kittens and my fabulous roommate. This place definitely feels like home. Here are a few pictures of my apartment! Come visit this summer.... the pool is open finally. =)

The lovely kitchen, complete with dishwasher & kitten towels

The dining room... which is quickly becoming my favorite room

Kitten corner!

1/2 of the cozy living room

My comfy, comfy bed.

My dresser and bookshelf